At KARO, we have instituted a special corpus for patients requiring treatment for Ewing’s sarcoma. We provide holistic support which includes funding the treatment, free accommodation, guidance, counselling, nutritional support and more, ensuring that their treatment is ongoing and never stalled for any reason.
We have initiated a Patient Sarcoma Group (PSG) in association with Tata Hospital and local NGOs. In the PSG meetings, doctors, medical social workers and NGOs congregate and guide patients through their treatments and other related issues. With KARO Ewing’s Sarcoma Project, we have assisted over 650 patients as of December 2023, and the data collected from these patients has helped experts in their clinical research to improve treatments for the disease.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.
KARO wanted to be as inclusive as possible and therefore decided to support BMT, and is the first organisation of its kind to do that. KARO realised the immense need for BMT⎯every month we receive an average of 16 new patients who require funding, and the numbers keep increasing. For this reason, we initiated KARO BMTP, dedicated to supporting hospitals that perform BMT procedures and conduct post BMT infection control.
Through KARO BMT Project we are associated with more than 25 hospitals in India, and we even have dedicated teams to conduct followups with patients and their caregivers, which can span over long periods of time. The teams communicate directly with the concerned doctor of each patient to understand the patient’s treatment status. This helps us identify and scrutinise every case to appropriately determine and deploy resources.
Furthermore, KARO BMT Project is actively working with a number of hospitals to get them to subsidise BMT treatment for the underprivileged. The KARO BMT Project is recognised and lauded by reputed hospitals and NGOs like Tata Trust, Chief Minister Fund and many more. Thanks to our efforts since 2015, over 1000 patients have completed their BMT procedures in a stress-free manner as of December 2023.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.
We launched FUN with KARO as an initiative to host various activities for patients and their loved ones to get their minds off being unwell. Activities can include art and craft workshops, magic shows, music and dance therapy sessions, puppet shows, indoor games and more. If you would like to help sponsor a FUN with KARO activity or event, volunteer to teach a skill or celebrate a special occasion with us, get in touch!
Since the onset of this project, KARO has conducted more than 40 activities, engaging over 8,000 patients and caregivers.
Our initiative, Fun With KARO, has favorably impacted the way patients feel in the larger sense of things. Keeping them involved, interacting with them and engaging them has a significant positive effect on their mind and body.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.
Through KARO LIFE, our headlining endeavour and multifaceted approach to fighting cancer, we aim to alleviate that burden and provide the adequate resources to the lesser privileged so that they can fight their disease with dignity. The prime objective of this project is to enable hospitals to provide quality healthcare services to needy patients, and not deny them due to shortage of funds or their prognosis. This has always been the primary prerogative of KARO, to provide aid indiscriminately. Since 2014, we have provided holistic healthcare to over 5000 patients. The aid provided is based on a patient’s need and includes accommodation, nutritious food, counselling, rehabilitation and monetary support.
Through this project, we accumulate all the resources and donors under one umbrella and try to bridge the gap between health care providers and patients in need. KARO is currently working with 70 hospitals around India, and is listed as one of the leading NGOs across renowned hospitals like KEM, LTMG Sion, Wadia and Tata Hospital. Our honesty and transparency has made us one of the most trusted organisations across the country.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.
Since the last five years, KARO has dedicated every effort to our latest endeavour⎯ KARO HOME. This initiative provides free accommodation, nourishment and holistic support to patients from around the country undergoing treatment for cancer in Mumbai. Work on the first home, our pilot project, dedicated to female patients, began in October 2018. Time and care was taken to search for its location, which is conveniently only 15 minutes away from TATA Hospital and KEM Hospital by road and a 10 minute walk from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General (Sion Hospital). The first KARO HOME opened its doors in June 2019 and can support 11 patients along with their female caregivers. It features 11 separate and fully furnished, well ventilated rooms.
As of now, the first KARO HOME has benefitted around 250 cancer patients and their caregivers with over 1600 secure and happy days spent in the KARO HOME. We are hopeful of launching KARO HOME 2, this time for teenage boys and young men. With your help our goal is to open at least ten more KARO HOMES in the near future.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.
KARO believes that every heartbeat matters, and having a healthy heart is a fundamental human right. With KARO HEART, we strive to fight against cardiovascular disease and make a true difference. We work towards saving the lives of patients suffering from heart defects and who require surgery, including heart transplants. We provide support for post-surgery complications and treatment as well.
The Government of Maharashtra and various hospitals have initiated health programs specifically for CHD, and these efforts focus on early stage detection and provision of medical facilities and assistance for free, or at a nominal fee. Within the first two years of the KARO HEART initiative we supported over 347 heart surgeries and transplants, and as of December 2023, KARO HEART has assisted 1031 patients.
Donate to KARO and know that your donation, through these amazingly curated projects, will make a difference in the lives of people affected by life threatening diseases who do not have the means to care for themselves.